December 16, 2011

Rainbow bright!

I'm all about bright, bright, bold colors (hence the name of the upcoming blog - The Bolder the Better). As I was going through my archives trying to clean up folders, I found I've saved lots of bright images with rainbow like qualities.  Here are some of those that inspire me the most and make me happy!

Art / Photography
living space
Orange slices
Neon bows via Of a Kind

Via The Man Repeller whom I'm Ob-sessed with...
Via Honestly WTF - yet another obsession.

I apologize for all the images where there is no source.  I seemed to have misplaced the document used to save my sources on images...UGH!  Thanks goodness for Evernote now which will allow this to never happen again.  Yea to organization!

Happy Friday all!!!

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