June 15, 2009

Ride that horsey up and down

Well, I know I've been MIA (missing in action) lately. Once again, things have been more than hectic. Where does time go???? Basically, work has been insane (as usual) but now that I don't have any travel on the calendar in the near future I should find life to be enjoyable again. Whoo...all this travel has killed me! I got so far behind and have been working insane hours trying to get back above water. Almost there though...Yea!!!

As for Miss Lola...WOW...she's just a ball of energy which translates into total exhaustion for Mama. This child is a real firecracker...I call her my "wild child". In addition to the constant chase and clean-up, my favorite is when she strategically lays herself down on the ground and then throws a little fit. Nice. I still question if all toddlers are like this. If so, I need advice on how to deal. With that said, although Lola can be handful and requires a close watch at ALL times, she is such a boisterous little angel face...so lively...so sweet...so entertaining...such a joy. Seriously, it doesn't get much better than this and I wouldn't change one thing about this little girl!

More news...Lo is talking like crazy. Putting two, three and even four words together. She says "Find shoes" or "Want to go outside". It's really amazing to see her language develop. Every day I'm in awe by the new words she says and new sentences she puts together. I get so many comments from people...they can't believe a person as little as Lo is talking away like she does (BTW...if she's awake, it's non-stop!). Even at Lola's school I've had several teachers come up to me and tell me how advanced she is with her language skills. They actually ask me what we do with her at home b/c they are so impressed. This makes me feel good as Clay and I sometimes wonder if we are doing/focusing on the right things when it comes to Lo's development. Comments like this gives us reassurance and as a parent that is great to get ever so often. And of course, the word "No" is back and has become a VERY common word in Lo's little dictionary once AGAIN. It goes a little something like this "Lola, Do you want a cookie?" and she answers "No" as she reaches up for the cookie. Or, "Lola, What's your name?" and she answers "No". Or, "Lola, Did you miss Mommy today?" and she answers "No". BTW...she STILL is calling me "Amy" and "Mammy" at best. Huh!!!

Anyway, that's it for today. I leave you with these pics of Lo playing "Ride that horsey up and down, ride that horsey don't fall down" on Lady Bird....I'm telling you, she is something else. Poor dogs...they are in for a rude awakening over the next couple years. They already get tugged, ridden and pulled more than they would like to and actually take it real well. Lola loves the dogs to pieces. She calls both of them "Bella" and always is running to give them hugs and kisses...too sweet!!!

My mom is coming in town to help me out with some things this week. I'm hoping her being here will help us get some of those things done that we haven't been able to get done and then I can get completely caught up with work. Hopefully this will allow me to recap our NYC trip and get some pics posted too. We had a blast! Plus, I have so many more Lola updates that I just have to get posted.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I'm thinking if she saw my large dong she would be playing horsey with it! I play with her arse and she can drill herself on me so much