August 31, 2011

These shoes are made for walking...

Over the past month or so I've invested in some shoes for the baby boy in hopes they would help him get up and at 'em and start walking. Not so much. However, one day last week Gaines randomly grabbed his little push cart we got him for his birthday and started walking across the room. We went nuts! Up until that point, he has shown absolutely NO interest in walking. The days following this excitement he actually took one step when he was trying to get from the coffee table to me on the couch. I thought we were on our way to walking but now Gainesy boy has decided he's not very interested in the whole walking thing after all. I mean...he won't even stand on his own. Although he could if he wanted to, he prefers to squat and get into the crawl position. I guess I don't blame him because he is a mover and a groover when it comes to crawling. So here's how it normally goes...

He's standing and kind of liking it...

He's decided to go for it and take a step...

And he's done! Time to get down in the comfortable position...the crawl!

BTW...Are you loving the Toms or what?!?!?!?

I also have Gaines some white converse that I love pairing with bright colored striped socks. And, here's another one I couldn't resist.

You seriously have never seen something quite as cute as these little Natives on Gaines. L-O-V-E! These are actually his favorite scoots. As you can tell, I'm pretty much obsessed with shoes...whether it be for me, Lo or Gaines and I have a REAL hard time resisting all shoes, boots, flip-flops, etc. A vice I have I guess. Speaking of vice...I'm also dying to get this Puma for Gaines...

I'm going to wait until he's officially walking before I invest in this one. You know how fast their little feet grow so I can't get too out of control. Plus, as much as I love shoes, I still LOVE a barefooted baby!

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